Next Session of Classes Coming up!
!!!Schedule has been Updated!!! The next session of training classes is coming up; please not the changes to date, times, and day of week for the classes. November 11th starts the next S.T.A.R Puppy, CGC, Trick Dog, Trick Dog Advance classes, Wednesday starting at 6PM. November 12th starts the next Beginner Agility class, Thursday at 5:30PM and a Rally Obedience class, 6:30PM (we will not be having regular obe
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ScentWork Classes Coming to Atlanta Building!!!!!
We are very excited to announce we are offering ScentWork classes at our training facility in Alpharetta! Classes start Monday, September 28th! The instructor is Kathyrn Woods, CNWI. Kathryn has a passion for nose work and teaching. She has a master’s degree in both social work (MSW) and special education (M.Ed.). Her background in psychology and education has prepared her well for sharing her knowledge
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Sniff – N – Go
We are having a Sniff-n-Go (ScentWork Run Throughs) May 23rd at the training building. 1155 Alpha Drive, Alpharetta. $3 per run or 3 runs for $5 Atlanta members $1 a run (members that are going to work the AKC Regional trial in Perry in July, will get to run for free) Pay at the event. Time is 9:30am - 1:30pm Classes: Novice container Novice buried Excellent container Advanced Interior W
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ScentWork Seminar Rescheduled
Above is the updated flyer. New date is June 20th. Click below for the registration form.
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