Introduction to Scentwork Clinic!!!!
Join us for this fun and fabulous Scentwork clinic, February 27 & 28, 2021! This clinic is a prelude to the Intro to Odor class, and anyone who signs up for the workshop is welcome to join us for the class. The info on the Intro to Odor class is below. (Starts March 1st)
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It’s Party Time Again!
It's time for our Holiday Party! Aldo's Italian Restaurant, December 16th! RSVP by Dec 12th to Amy [email protected]
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Next Session of Classes Coming up!
!!!Schedule has been Updated!!! The next session of training classes is coming up; please not the changes to date, times, and day of week for the classes. November 11th starts the next S.T.A.R Puppy, CGC, Trick Dog, Trick Dog Advance classes, Wednesday starting at 6PM. November 12th starts the next Beginner Agility class, Thursday at 5:30PM and a Rally Obedience class, 6:30PM (we will not be having regular obe
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