Next Session of Classes Coming up!
!!!Schedule has been Updated!!! The next session of training classes is coming up; please not the changes to date, times, and day of week for the classes. November 11th starts the next S.T.A.R Puppy, CGC, Trick Dog, Trick Dog Advance classes, Wednesday starting at 6PM. November 12th starts the next Beginner Agility class, Thursday at 5:30PM and a Rally Obedience class, 6:30PM (we will not be having regular obe
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Still Time to Enter!
We have not filled yet and the close date is Wednesday 30th. So if you haven't entered and wanted to, there is still time! http://www.onofrio.com/plist/xvld1pl.pdf
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TRAINING SESSION STARTING BACK SEPTEMBER 15TH 2020 https://atlantakennelclub.org/training-classes CLASSES OFFERED: Beginner/Foundations Agility Tuesday (all classes–6 weeks) 5:30 PM Beginner Agility $135 ($110 members) Basic Beginner Obedience Tuesday (all classes–6 weeks) 6:30PM Basic Beginner Obedience $120 ($100 members) Conform
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Update About the Peach Blossom Cluster
Yesterday, the Board of Directors of the Georgia Fairgrounds (a board appointed by the governor), made the decision to keep the Fairgrounds closed until the first of July. This is one week after our show would have ended. I was told that they looked at every event that was scheduled and made the decision to cancel anyway. It is with a heavy heart for the people who work at the fairgrounds, the people of Perry who
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The June Premium is Available
The Peach Blossom Cluster's June premium is now available! Premium Link
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